AllcartuningNews Detail

Chiptuning New Holland T7 270PS

Chiptuning for the New Holland T7.270 fully developed by Allcartuning.

We have 2 versions tested to offer our customers a large selection to offer from our chiptuning.

Version 1:
Chiptuning via software from allcartuning.
Performance gains: +47 hp +154 NMdynoreport
Measured in the boost function
Duration of chiptuning including performance measurement 1.5 hours


Version 2:
Chiptuning about tuning box with Dieselix. tuning shop.
Performance gains: +43 hp +154 NM dynoreport
Measured in the boost function
Duration of the implementation, including performance measurement 1.5 hours


Price: € 999 - including VAT.

We are happy to advise you on  0043 (0) 3142 21023 or info*NOSPAM*@*NOSPAM*
